It literally feels like summer outside. Every week I have been taking Maybelle swimming in the Plainfield Pond, and once in the Ashfield Lake. Indra, Claire, and Kaylee have all gone with me on these trips, usually riding Willy or Leo in Kaylee's case. Maybelle has astounded me with her enjoyment of going into the water and swimming. I've started calling her aquapony! :] Now she will trot straight into the water and then swim for quite a ways with me swimming by her side. Then I put my arm around her withers and she pulls me back to the beach. She is such a naughty, bratty pony sometimes, but it's things like this that make her my favorite pony.
Charlotte and Comet arrived about a week or week and a half ago, and they are really cute. They are both black, Shetland pony crosses, and they both need a lot of friendly game. Comet is more skittish out of the two, but Charlotte is still hard to catch. They are a lot of fun to have around, and as my dad calls it, it's like having an Extreme Shetland Makeover at the Wooldridge house.
Oh yeah, forgot to say! Big news! In 3 months Milkshake (the cow) is going to have a calf! We didn't know she was pregnant and just found out the news yesterday.
Top left- Maybelle shaking after swimming in the lake
Below- Maybelle and Leo at Elmers hanging out while we eat pancakes