This summer has been a big horse summer for me, filled with lessons, camp, trail rides, my "sisters", gymkhanas, and hopefully a couple horse shows.
In my last lesson I was riding with a trainer i have ridden with two times before, but never with Allegro. I had the most amazing ride on my pony ever! I got her bending around the turns, picking up the canter from a slow trot, and not running full blast over the jumps. By the end of a three hour lesson I could already feel the difference in me and my pony.
Yesterday Erin and I went to the Heritage Farm auction to look at the horses. My family went in not really thinking about getting a horse and we came out without a horse, but there were a few instances where we were seriously thinking about it. There is one mare who didn't end up getting sold named Mary who I have ridden a couple times and have loved. She is about 13.1 or 13.2 hands and is like a bog Allegro. She is gorgeous. I am seriously thinking about her. Maybe I'll ride her a couple more times and maybe by the end of the summer I'll have a new mare named Mary.
I have big goals for the upcoming show season. I hope to bring Allegro to a couple shows, and compete in the jumper ring with her. I am also hoping that by next summer she and I will be ready to compete in the Northampton Hunter/Jumper show in the jumper ring, and maybe we'll get up to the Big E. All of these goals come with practice. So I guess I have a year of hard work in front of me.